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Scientific collaboration
Our team emerged from a scientific collaboration. Therefore, science and scientific collaboration is our main passion and path in professional work. We invite all scientists, researchers, project managers and other potential collaborators who have ideas for join researches to present us their ideas for scientific collaboration. Our team is eligible and motivated to apply for EU funds such as Horizon Europe, IPA, Erasmus+, etc. Please refer to Our Expertise and References sections for detail information regarding our research possibilities.

Successful stories
Our successful collaborations with numerous research groups is our main strength that give us confident that we are on the right way in fulfillment of our vision to make a wide and fruitful scientific network.
During our intensive collaboration with Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory (SBL), Åbo Akademi University, University of Luxemburg, University of Belgrade, University of Ljubljana, etc. members of our team were involved in several research projects in the fields of drug discovery, enzyme engineering and biomolecular modelling. Our members completed and are still performing numerous PhD and postdoc visits to SBL through different grants. These visits resulted in successful project results and joint publications. Some of the project included investigation of Lactose degradation by β-galactosidase, search for inhibitors of human VAP, DAO, HSP90, as well as engineering and molecular modelling of SnoK and SnoN proteins. In our recent collaboration, special attention has been paid to food derived bioactive peptides and their role in modulation of biological processes with the aim to inhibit essential bacterial enzymes that would lead to discovery of new and alternative antibiotics. In collaboration with our colleagues from Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, we have worked and are still working on optimization of selected lactones with the aim to enhance their biological activity against selected cancer cell lines. Also, we have a successful scientific collaboration with BioSense Institute, with the aim to design aptamer sensors for detection of Cylindrospermopsin.