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Biomolecular modelling

About Us

We Make Science Alive

Who are we?

Our team is made of experienced researchers as well as of researchers at the beginning of their careers.

Our main goal is to understand biological structures and apply that knowledge in making the World a better place.

Vladimir Vukic, PhD
Senior research associate

Vladimir Vukic
Biomolecular modelling
Faculty of Technology Novi Sad

Vladimir Vukic works as a senior research associate at University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Serbia. Also, he is external collaborator at Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory, Åbo Akademi University (Turku, Finland). His expertise is in the fields of molecular modelling and structural bioinformatics. He obtained his PhD in biology, in the fields of structural bioinformatics, molecular modelling and protein ligand interactions. During his career he was involved in numerous drug discovery and design research projects. He has spent numerous postdoctoral researches at Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory, Åbo Akademi University (Turku, Finland) where he obtained additional expertise in Computer Aided Drug Design and Discovery.


Molecular modelling, computer aided drug discovery and design, ligand docking (covalent and non-covalent), docking based virtual screening, molecular dynamics, energy minimization, sequence alignment, clustering and annotation, machine learning, ADME-Tox, 3D-QSAR, PCA analysis, PLS, ANOVA, primer design, blast, Python, etc.


Vladimir has participated in numerous research projects in the fields of biomolecular modeling, drug discovery and design, food derived bioactive compounds including investigation of Lactose degradation, search for inhibitors of human VAP, DAO, HSP90, engineering of SnoK and SnoN proteins, design of aptamers, etc.


Protein engineering, drug discovery, rational drug design, structure based drug design, ligand based drug design, biactive compounds, protein structure, bioactive peptides, DNA/RNA structure and interactions, etc.

Dajana Vukic, PhD
Senior research associate

Dajana Vukic
Biomolecular modelling
Faculty of Technology Novi Sad

Dajana Vukic is a senior research associate and teaching assistant at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Serbia. Her expertise is in the field of statistical analysis and correlations in molecular modelling. She was involved in numerous research projects dealing with biomolecular modelling. She obtained PhD at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad and spent numerous PhD and postdoctoral researches at Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland and Mosaiques diagnostics, GmbH, Hannover, Germany.


Molecular modelling, computer aided drug discovery and design, ligand docking (non-covalent), pharmacophore based virtual screening, molecular dynamics, energy minimization, machine learning, QSAR, 3D-QSAR, pharmacophore modelling and analysis, ADME-Tox, PCA analysis, PLS, ANOVA, etc.


Dajana has participated in numerous research projects in the fields of biomolecular modeling, drug discovery and design, food derived bioactive compounds including investigation of lactose degradation, ACE inhibitory activity, antiproliferative activity, structure-activity relationship, etc.


Ligand based drug discovery, structure-activity relationship, protein structure, small molecules, bioactive compounds, bioactive peptides, etc.

Biljana Loncar, PhD
Senior research associate

Biljana Loncar
Biomolecular modelling
Faculty of Technology Novi Sad

Biljana Loncar is a senior research associate at the Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad. Her current research interests include  mathematical modeling, chemometrics, machine learning, and artificial neural networks. She obtained her PhD in biotechnology in the field of chemometrics application. During her career she was involved in numerous research projects during which she gained experience in  mathematical modeling and optimization of bioactive compounds and processes involved in their bioactivity.


Mathematical modeling and optimization, non-linear kinetics modeling, machine learning, quality prediction using mathematical models including polynomial models, ANN, SVM, RFR, statistics, chemometrics, ANOVA, SEM, PCA analysis, Cluster analysis, Color correlation analysis,  and QSRR.


Biljana has participated in numerous research projects in biotechnology, including the utilization of ANN for optimizing novel bio-functionalized magnetite-geopolymer composites for the removal of phenolic compounds, the application of mathematical models for the production and implementation of an innovative products with improved bioactivity and the Open Network on DEM Simulations.


Expertise in the field mathematical modeling and optimization of the physicochemical properties of compounds and mixtures, and analysis of bioactive compounds.

Lato Pezo, PhD
Full research Professor

Lato Pezo
Biomolecular modelling

Lato  Pezo is working at the Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia. His expertise is in mathematical modelling and data analysis has been used in the field of development of new technological process (including mathematical modeling, optimization and numerical simulation of chemical processes) in the process for obtaining biologically valuable components.


Mathematical modeling and optimization, non-linear kinetics modeling, machine learning, quality prediction using mathematical models including polynomial models, ANN, SVM, RFR, statistics, chemometrics, ANOVA, SEM, PCA analysis, Cluster analysis, Color correlation analysis, statistics, chemometrics, quantitative structure retention relationship, structural equation modeling.


During his career Lato has applied numerous statistical methods in optimization of biological processes and final products. His expertise includes optimization of compounds for their optimal properties. He was leading and participating in numerous research projects in the field of mathematical modelling and application.


Expertise in the field of statistics, in terms of numerical simulations and mathematical modeling of the physico-chemical properties compounds and mixtures, optimization of raw material composition and technological parameters of production, transport phenomena of granular material mixing, monitoring of toxic elements, as well as optimizing the process in the chemical industry.

Jovana Degenek, MSc
Research assistant

Jovana Degenek
Biomolecular modelling
Faculty of Technology Novi Sad

Jovana Degenek is a junior researcher and she works at University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Serbia. Her research field is bioactive components with the focus on peptides and their antimicrobial potential.


Molecular modelling, computer aided drug discovery and design, ligand docking (non-covalent), molecular dynamics.


Jovana in involved in two projects regarding antimicrobial potential ob food derived bioactive peptides.


Structure based drug design, biactive compounds, protein structure, bioactive peptides.

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